The favorite time of the year for shopping lovers is finally back! From the 26th until the 29th of November you will benefit from incredible sales on our online store.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday origins
We are now all used to have Black Friday marked down on our calendar. The word had been created in the United States of America and stands for the day after Thanksgiving Day, meaning the 4th Thursday of November that’s celebrated in the US and Canada. Back to Black Friday, why is it called this way? There are many theories about it.
The first theory says that Black Friday was born in the 60s when retailers started to apply discounts to attract customers to make their Christmas purchases. In those days, sales rose, and the retailers’ stores started to get positive. Particularly, retailers used to fill accounting records where a red highlighter was used to write down losses and a black one for the income. From here, the word Black Friday started to be known.
On the other hand, the second theory affirms that the word “black” stands for the black chaos of people standing in the shopping areas back in those days when retailers started to offer discounts before Christmas. This theory is also supported by real events: it was November 1961 when the Downtown streets of Philadelphia city were so crowded that the Police started using “Black Friday” to describe the chaos of that day.
However, what would be Black Friday without Cyber Monday? The word Cyber Monday was coined in 2005 and it stands for the Monday immediately after Black Friday and, as it happens with the first one, also during Cyber Monday many shops offer discounts on their products. This day is mostly dedicated to online shops that offer special sales, especially on technological products. To sum up, Cyber Monday is the perfect day for office shopping, after coming back from work.
Our Sail Friday
Black Friday, as well as Cyber Monday, lasts for a day only. However, at Sail Service we decided to make it last four days. Sales will start on Friday the 26th of November and will on Monday the 29th of November at midnight, giving to all sailors the chance to make purchases for their sailing boat at a very convenient price.
See you online next Friday!
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